Wednesday, September 30, 2009

ADOPTION; A Better Alternative

Adoption and Abortion are topics that interest me the most. One of them is always better than the other. In my opinion, adoption is a better alternative than abortion.

I think parents or single mothers who cannot afford to have a baby should choose this option. When someone chooses to have their baby adopted, they are doing it for the well being of the child. They want the child to be in a better home where they can financially and emotionally support him/her.

Adoption doesn’t always mean that you are not taking responsibility for your own actions; it can mean that you are in a tough situation. It also does not always have to mean that you are poor. For instance, if a baby is born into a family with abusive parents, it is safer to place the child into a better home with loving parents.

Women who are also victims of rape should think about adoption. Some women choose abortion because they do not want to be reminded of the incident every time they look at the child. I could understand this, but I better choice would be adoption. Every baby has a right to live no matter the circumstance.

Adopting a child is a good idea because there are so many homeless children out there. These kids need food, shelter, education, and a loving family. Without the idea of adoption how else will these kids ever find love? So tell me, are you for adoption or totally against it?


  1. I have to say I agree with this. I am also for Woman's Choice, but I feel that it should be in the mind of those that abort that you would be taking a life away. The only thing that my opinion is off from yours is that many kids could be put into foster care in less then desirable conditions, and not get adopted at all. It is life, and there are exceptions this, but this is also a reality to those kids who do not have a place that to call home.

  2. I am for adoption. We over populated in the world and by adopting children we are doing a good deed for a innocent life. The only problem is that the child would not carry the same blood or genetic attributes and might not look or have a similar appearance as their new parents. Good job.

  3. I totally agree with you, I think, even though it isn't very realistic, that if it would be possible, to do the same thing that Juno did, find somebody that would be willing to take the baby as soon as it was born, so it could be in a loving household.
    Me personally, I'm not going to have children, I am only going to adopt, I think that this world is already messed up enough, with so many children who need a good house to live in, have 3 good meals a day that why would I bring another child into the world when I could just adopt.
    Good job!

  4. Danielle, I think you're doing a great thing by adopting. My relatives have also adopted children so i've been around this situation my entire life.

    Jonathan, i agree that they wouldn't have the same blood and genetics but no matter what they can still be a family despite differences. Atleast they have a place to call home.

  5. Erika, I agree with you. In theory, adoption is the perfect alternative to abortion. But the sad truth is,that Scott is correct in that some kids never get adopted, and grow up feeling like their missing something. But I also know that some kids do get adopted, and by loving people. I'd still choose adoption over abortion any day, because in not aborting the child, he/she still has a chance to grow and hopefully make their own happiness.

  6. I'm going to have to disagree with the group. If I ever had a kid, I could never give up what I made to someone else. I would feel like I lost a big part of me and I would rather keep the child even though I know that it would be tough. I am for Women's Choice. If a woman knows they cannot afford the baby and if they choose to go the abortion route, then that is their decision, no one elses.

  7. I like your stand point on adoption vs. abortion. My Aunt just adopted a beautiful girl from Ethiopia. Anaya is now almost three years old and she is such a blessing to our family. My Aunt is thinking about adopting another child from the same place so that Anaya can explore her heritage and cultural roots with a sibling. My Aunt does not have the means to make her own child, so we are all thankful for the women who chose to carry these children and then selflessly adopt them out. In the case of Anaya it was becuase the mother did not have the financial means to support another life.

  8. Thanks for the great example eric.
