Thursday, September 3, 2009

Too Blessed To Be Stressed

If I had to create a bumper sticker that modeled by philosophy for life, it would be "Too Blessed to be Stressed".

This motto means that I am thankful and blessed with the things that I already have and I should not be stressed or upset about things. If I didn't think like this then I would be spoiled and I would expect things to be handed to me. I would also want things to go my way.

This quote is helpful to me when I'm stressed. Whenever I say this out loud, it helps me remember that I don't have it as bad as I think. It makes me think of the people in this world who are less fortunate than I am. There are some people in this world who work so hard for the things they need and are perfectly happy. These people are the types of people that I want to be like. I do not want to have everything my way, I want to actually work for the things i want or need.

My whole life revolves around this bumper sticker because the way I live life is to the fullest. Life is too short to dwell on things that are wrong or things that are stressful. I am thankful for the things that I have now and the people that are in my life. Whenever I think of these things, it makes me feel better.


  1. i think im going to start saying this outloud to myself too, i really like what you wrote.

  2. this is awesome. i wanna try and use this also. because even though i know i don't have it that i bad i always wanna think that i have it worse then i do, because i think that it will make me feel better. =) i really like what you wrote toooooo... lol

  3. Yeah yours is similar to mine. Like life is too short to worry about the little things. You should count your blessings and be thankful for all the good things you have.

  4. Good saying, I think I'm a little conceited sometimes cause I always complain about my car but then I have to tell myself "hey not everyone has a car, so shut up! and be happy"

  5. Yes, the world is full of treasures, but the finest ones are always the ones you work for to get. Future goals will overshadow present pains, leaving a person with contentment.


  6. i like the motto, I hate hearing people complain about a car that was given to them because if I had to choose between that car and buying my own I would take it and run.

  7. Take pride in your hard work and difficult endeavors so the reward is so much greater when we know we have earned it. I agree about working for your goals as we are given the opportunity to truly celebrate when we have earned our place.

  8. I like your bumper sticker because when we have problems, we don’t think about other people and how our problems aren’t as big as theirs. We should be thankful for everything we have and not stress too much on small, little things.

  9. This is great. It's so easy to get caught up in all the negative out there. Negativity is infectious. It's all about making the good worth more than the bad. Great perspective!

  10. It is such a good characteristic to be mindful of the people that don't have it as good. I like the idea that people who count their blessings seem to refuse to dwell on the hiccups in life. To me traveling, and witnessing others serious difficulties, is the most powerful reminder of the idea in your blog. I recently have felt a stronger obligation to serve and give back to people who don't have the same opportunities. You seem to have a sense of awareness of the issues that face our world today.

  11. This is very true, and as I said in another post "Do what you do best and live", and be happy with it. I LIKE.
