Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Abortion: Right or Wrong?

In this image the words "Abortion sends babies to God faster" are written. Right away this picture can spark an argument. Everyone has their own opinions about abortion. Its either someone is for it or against it.

I find this image controversial because religion plays a big role in this issue. Some religions do not allow abortion and some might. Some religions believe that if you have an abortion then you are killing the baby, even though the baby is not already born. In this picture the person who created it might think that aborting a baby just brings them to heaven faster. That babies are already in a safe place. The people who contradict this belief may say that killing a baby is like committing a murder to someone who is already alive. Everyone knows that committing murder is a sin, so people practice abortion could be committing a sin as well. What you think about abortion depends on what religious belief you practice.

Moms who are single mothers or who cannot afford having a baby may be offended by this picture. They might be very religious and may be against this, but sometimes an abortion is the only option. This might also hurt them because they know that they do not want to “kill” their own baby but they have no other choice.

The other side of this issue is the belief that abortion is wrong. These people think that abortion is taking someone’s life away. People do not have the right to take someone’s life away, especially an innocent baby. Everyone should have a chance to live and babies shouldn’t suffer for something that wasn’t their fault. Some people get abortions because of a mistake that they did or because they do not want to take responsibilities for their own actions. These people are considered selfish and do not deserve to take a b baby’s life away.

This image is going too far because not everyone believes that abortion is a good thing and this is what the image is trying to convey to everyone. There are many other points to this debate but this is just the beginning of one.


  1. Very good job. This is very controversial to me also. I did a paper on this topic and everything you said i agree on. I find this picture WRONG! Weather or not its your only choice or option to abbort, theres a price for everything so you should live with the consequences! I liked how you shared two diff. views.

  2. Wow. I find this image very haunting indeed. Abortion is one of those subjects that has two very strong sides, each opinion firm and unwavering. I agree with Zoe, it was good to share both sides. Nice job.

  3. Great job! this image is really controversial, and showing both sides of the issue was great. like you said, even if having an abortion would be taking the baby to God faster, it still means that the mother is almost committing murder, I am personally pro-life, so i think that this image is awful, because every baby should have a chance at life. Good job tho! :)

  4. I find this picture controversial even though I don't activilly participate in any religion. I don't believe abortion should be allowed except in one case really. That case is for rape victims because I couldn't even imagine what it would be like to look at your attackers face everytime you look at your child. I think that mothers who don't want their children should give them up for adoption. It's not like your whole pregnancy couldn't be paid for by the goverment or someone who is willing to take your child.

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