Sunday, November 1, 2009

Sorry Kanye, but it's Your Turn to Cry.

If there were a big hole that would swallow anyone, I would push Kanye West into it. I would do this because he is very selfish and disrespectful. He doesn’t know how to act or when the right times to share his opinions are. He needs to be taught common courtesy and manners. His actions lead to so much drama and controversies and in today’s society, we don’t need it.

After the 2009 Music Video Awards, I have lost all respect for Kanye West. He rudely interrupted Taylor Swift as she was giving her speech. He went on stage and took the microphone from her and said that Beyonce had the best music video of all time. He ruined her moment. The look on Taylor Swift’s face was very sad to see. She looked like she was about to cry. This totally embarrassed her and Kanye had no right to do so. This was her first Video Music Award and she deserved it just as much as the rest of the winners of that night did. Kanye made it seem like she didn’t deserve the award and that her video was terrible. She is just a young girl and Kanye should not have done what he did. What he did that night was very arrogant and ignorant.

The value that led me to this decision is respect. Kanye West has no respect for anyone but himself. He didn’t respect Taylor Swift as she was giving her speech. He didn’t think about the consequences of his actions and how hurt Taylor Swift could have been. All he cares about is himself. If this happened to him, he would probably get mad. The fact that he had an excuse for what he did, doesn’t make it any better. His excuse was that he was drunk. Which is the other reason that leads me to this decision. Just because he was under the influence still doesn’t give him the right to do such a thing. There are so many people who use the “I was drunk…” excuse and think that they could get away with doing bad things. If a guy was drunk and physically abused his wife and he used that as an excuse for doing so, would you let him off the chain? Would you let Kanye West off the chain, even though it’s not as serious?


  1. I agree with you Erika, i was so mad when he did that, i felt bad for Taylor but she still came out strong and her performance was amazing! He was very rude, and if you can't handle being respectful then down that hole you go!
    Good Job!

  2. I couldn't believe it when he did that! Talk about rude! I agree with you Erika. His lack of respect, of what's right and wrong make him a good candidate for getting booted off the island. I believe he did apologize though, so at least he did that, but either way he was very rude.

  3. Yeah i can see your reasons for voting him off. He totally ruined Taylor Swift's moment. Good Job.

  4. i can't stand kanye. i agree; he's full of himself. i love taylor swift and to see him come up and ruin her speech even embarassed me as i watched. he needs to be "voted off the island". i also really like how you used questions at the end. :) great job

  5. I actually had to check with my family to make sure that that had really happened and that it wasn't staged. I could never have thought that a fellow musician could do this to another and am still in disbelief. I definatly have no respect for him anymore and honestly think someone should give him a dose of his own medicine if he ever wins an award after this little display of his.

  6. I agree with you it was extremely rude for Kayne to go on stage and ruin her moment, being that it was her first music awards. But the bad part about it, he doesn't even remember doing it, or so he says, he was to drunk to remember. He is to full of him self, and like you said, needs to be voted off the island.

  7. I concur completely! When I first heard about what Kanye said I was appalled that someone could actually be that rude on live television. It was so out of line. He is a jerk. Great choice

  8. Having respect for others is truly so important to maintain a properly functioning society. You have to give respect to get it. Because I feel like being disrepected is a amongst the worst feelings imaginable, I always try to treat people with the utmost respect.
    I also really like the fact that you integrated Kanye's bogus excuse. I always heard that "excuses are like butts, everyone has one and they all stink." The excuse, "I was drunk" is a particularly stinky one. Being drunk doesn't justify any bad behavior especially when it hurts other people.
    This is an interesting blog Erika, I really enjoyed it.

  9. As well as many of these people I also agree, Kanye's actions were very disrespectful and uncalled for. I also like that you went into how Kanye believed his actions were excusable for his drunk actions. He is a idoit plain and simple.
